Welcome to our church, a loving, faith-centered community sharing the message of God's love and grace. Our church is in ministry to the congregation and the wider community.
Our Mission: Charity is not only a love for others, but also a response to God's will. We believe that through charity, we can embody the love and teachings of Christ, change lives, and change the world.
more aboutsWe are committed to spreading love and hope through charitable activities to help those who need it most. Our mission is to help the poor, vulnerable and marginalized groups, improve their living conditions and spread positive social impact, driven by Christian love.
Providing programs and resources that enable them
to develop healthy disciple-making churches that
make a difference in their communities.
Our team is made up of experienced volunteers and
professionals who are passionate about philanthropy
and committed to achieving our vision. We work with
multiple parties to ensure that our work is sustainable
and effective.
Pastoral care is about helping pastors stay healthy,
understanding that healthy pastors are the key to
healthy churches, which in turn are the key to healthy
communities or cities.
Today, there are over 2 billion people in the world who have not heard the good news of Jesus presented in a way they can understand.
Environmental protection is one of the important issues facing today's society. With the acceleration of industrialization and urbanization, environmental problems are becoming increasingly serious, including climate change, air and water pollution, and ecosystem destruction.
Children are the hope of the future. Our primary concern is children, especially those living in poverty and difficulties.
Vulnerable groups refer to people who are at a disadvantage in social, economic, cultural and other aspects and are easily discriminated, excluded or marginalized. Supporting vulnerable groups is an important part of building a harmonious society.
Helping vulnerable groups is an important means to achieve social justice. Develop community service centers to provide psychological counseling, legal assistance, medical services and other support. Organize volunteer activities to encourage community members to participate in helping vulnerable groups.