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2025-02-10 00:15

By, admin

"Aurora Project" lights up educational equality in the Ar

On February 14, the "Aurora Project" education equity charity project jointly initiated by the Norwegian Sovereign Fund and the Arctic Council was launched at the Arctic Science Center in Rovaniemi, Finland. In the severe cold of minus 25 degrees, 500 light strips composed of reindeer lights painted by Sami children guided the participants into the main venue, symbolizing that the light of knowledge penetrated the darkness of the polar night. Crown Princess Victoria of Sweden announced in six Arctic languages ​​including Sami and Greenlandic through a real-time interpretation system: "In the next three years, 5G education coverage will be achieved in all settlements above 66 degrees north latitude."
In the "Digital Snow House" exhibition area full of technology, the augmented reality geography class presented by the Icelandic team made Inuit student Thomasina exclaim: "It turns out that the speed of glacier melting is so much faster than what grandma said in the story!" There was a long queue in front of the "Programming Sled Dog" interactive game set up by the Danish Lego Education Foundation. Parents can donate old electronic devices in exchange for course experience coupons. According to the electronic map of the "Polar Teacher Sharing Platform" at the Finnish booth, 237 volunteers have signed up to teach in eastern Greenland, including 12 Chinese teachers.
The most touching part was the "school uniform delivery ceremony", where students from the North Cape Middle School in Norway presented jackets embroidered with the Polaris emblem to their peers in Murmansk, Russia. The Norwegian Minister of Education connected with the icebreaker crossing the Barents Sea on the spot: "This research ship will be transformed into a mobile laboratory and provide itinerant teaching services to 12 indigenous villages along the coast starting next year."
According to the blockchain education ledger, the first day of the summit has raised 8.3 million euros through cryptocurrency and carbon credit swaps, of which 30% will be used to develop low-temperature resistant teaching equipment and 50% will be invested in the construction of the Arctic education satellite network. It is worth noting that the organizer has innovatively launched the "education carbon sink" mechanism, and companies can offset carbon emissions by funding Arctic education projects.
When the sky was full of auroras at midnight, the "Knowledge Aurora" sound and light show created by Finnish electronic musicians was staged in the ice castle. The Sami poem "Star Web" projected on the ice wall slowly melted with the temperature change, implying the integration of traditional wisdom and modern technology. The organizer announced that the 2025 Winter Summit will be held in the Yukon Territory of Canada, and the Inuvik language protection program will recruit linguist volunteers from all over the world from now on.

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